Wednesday 26 February 2014

The Crystal Palace

There stood the crystal palace, sparkling and shining,
All alone in the forest on that moonlit night,
Towering the pine trees with its magnificence.

There seemed no sign of life.
UN-inhabited and single she stood,
Surrounded by wild flowers and poisonous mushrooms.

The palace was huge and precariously attractive.
There were a myriad of rooms which were open wide,
All except one locked with a golden lock.

The locked room was a chest of mysteries and secrets,
The key to which was lost,
Or saved for a special traveler

She looked like a princess, beautiful and bold,
Staring at the grass engraved path from a balcony,
As-if, expecting an anonymous  guest whom she could welcome.

She kept waiting and waiting,
With her doors wide open,
For that miracle to happen.

Alone came a traveler on a white horse,
Weary and tired in search of a home.
The sight of the palace made him awestruck.

The first encounter of the traveler made her blush,
She felt he was the one , for whom
She kept her secret chest sealed all these decades.

Off he got from the horse,
Charming was he,
Like a prince from an untold fairy tale.

Having traveled the world,
Never before had he come across a palace,
With such beauty and elegance.

A soft wind touched his face,
The dry leaves moved,
Making a path for him to enter.

He set his foot upon the palace with a soft thud,
Not to hurt the crystal floor,
Like a bride on her wedding night.

The moment his first foot prints were felt,
She came alive,
Like a fish set free into the water.

He touched her crystal pillars and stairs,
Relishing her, uncovering her-
Unfathomable  beauty.

He felt her like a glass of old wine,
Un-earthed centuries later,
 From a wooden trunk, hidden deep below the earth’s crust.

The more he explored, the more
Ambiguous she seemed.
Forcing him to traverse further.

At last he came across the chest,
With the golden lock,
The key to which was lost.

Curious was he to know,
What lay beneath the locked room,
Which remained untouched and afresh.

She knew it was time,
To set herself free, to open herself up,
To unleash the mysteries and secrets.

The lock broke open,
The moment he touched the door,
Letting him enter without an iota of bewilderment.

There at the center was something,
Which radiated light,
He closed his eyes as if from a sun gaze.

It dimmed its glow, for him to see,
He seemed speechless,
At the sight of the secret.

It was a crystal heart,
Pure and tranquil.
Glowing like a freshly lit candle.

He took the little heart in his hands,
With such caution and care,
And watched it like a child enjoying the night sky.

 From then on every single day,
He polished her heart with a piece of velvet cloth,
 And kept it close to him.

But he was a traveler and he had to go,
Abandoning the palace,
Leaving it back to its mysterious loneliness in the dark forest.

He mounted upon his horse-
 And set forth his journey at the odd hours of the night
And rode through the forest path never looking back.

The wind was wild,
And the dry leaves danced and whistled ,
Echoing an old tune of some ghostly ballad.

The water in the nearby pond,
Was like a witches’ brewing pot,
Boiling with revenge.

The crystal heart shattered,
Blood oozed out of it making the palace bloody,
As he kissed her goodbye.

 And again there she stood -
all broken and tattered,
Like a ghostly bungalow.

Years passed by, came another traveler, 
Upon a black pony and he stopped before the palace door
 As he saw a white horse rearing.

He searched the palace,
For a company, to share that bottle of-
Red wine .

He reached  the room with the golden lock, 
The door opened with a frightening creak.
He marched forward brushing aside the cobweb.

The room was as dark as it could be,
As he made his next move,
His feet stepped on to something.

The room was suddenly lit,
There lay the corpse of a man,
Who had the look of a Prince.

Next to him lay, inside the golden chest
a shattered heart, which seemed at peace in the joy of revenge .
While the white horse at the courtyard neighed  waiting for his master’s return.

Saturday 22 February 2014


That day was pure bliss when our hearts met and our eyes exchanged love, in the presence of God at that Holy Church. I felt asif everything has fallen to place. It was quite a site to watch you among those lighted candles. You seemed even brighter or rather your smile made even the candles look dim. You were so serene and pure than the flowers which surrounded. You were no less than an angel.  As we walked along the aisle I could feel our figures brushing gently. I could decipher that shyness in your eyes and I could tell that you were the most beautiful girl on earth or you never belonged to earth, you seemed heavenly, you were celestial. When we sat on that church bench I couldn't take my eyes off you, while your eyes were struggling to meet mine. I felt as a lone admirer in an art gallery, as I was staring at you asif you were a Victorian painting. Your eyes were like dew drops on rose petals.  Our first day of love…
Ohh that night. That was the most beautiful night of all my years on earth. Listening to your sweet musings over the cell phone while looking at the stars in the sky, I felt asif I was God.  Your voice was like silk, soft and smooth.  I felt asif some one was pouring honey into my ears. Slowly I drifted off to sleep knowing that I had the most beautiful girl as mine.
The sun was kind to me from the very next morning, as the rays gently touched my face. I had a smile on my face. I wondered, whether boys blushed?  May be they did.. but I never knew until this day. You were pure magic.
Love blossomed over months. But.. I slowly lost track.. You were so passionate, but I found the same passion which once overwhelmed me, as nuisance. Love became a burden.  Your smile vanished,  and tears took place instead. The sun was full upon. But the heat I radiated burned you more. You were reduced to ashes. Sweet musings gave way to your begging, which my ears refused to listen.  My eyes were like burning sun and it felt your site unbearable. But the reason was unknown. On that fatal day, I broke your pretty little heart. You were speech less. You were shivering and tears started flowing. I said goodbye. Now you stood there gazing at me endlessly while my eyes refused to meet yours.  You did not seem celestial, rather an alien trapped in this planet. I walked away with ease. The rose in your hands fell on the dry earth while your tears watered them. As I walked away I could hear you say in a low tone, with air gushing out of your mouth,  with a choke  you still managed to say  those parting words‘Happy Valentine’s day my love’..

After so many years, I met you today,at the very same church  which was the sole witness to our first gestures of love. I felt as if 30 long years had no effect on you. You still had that girlish charm. Your eyes still looked pure as dew drops; your smile illuminated the entire place. Eagerly i gazed at your fingers to find a wedding ring, but they were nude.  I wished you raised your eyes and looked into mine. I knew they would bow with shame. All these years I could never forgive myself. Guilt and regret started creeping into me.  I knew there was no escape from punishment for what I did to you. My eyes were moistened. Everything around me slowly blurred. As I regained my sight, I saw you looking my way,  and our eyes met and there was a spark.